Green Melon White Pulp

Green Melon White Pulp



The Santa Claus melon, sometimes known as Christmas melon or Piel de Sapo (Toad Skin), is a variety of melon (family Cucurbitaceae, Cucumis melo, Inodorus group) originating in Spain that grows to about a foot in length and is ovoid in shape. 

It has a thick, green-striped outer rind and pale green to white inner flesh with a mild melon flavour and sweetness close to honeydew melons.

It has a blotched green peel after which it is named in Spanish (Piel de Sapo translates as "Toad Skin"). A closely related melon with the same shape, but with yellow peel is known as 'Amarillo' or canary melon.

The attractive green and gold-to-bright yellow-striped Santa Claus melon somewhat resemble a small watermelon. Inside is a mellow and mildly flavoured, pale-greenish flesh very similar to that of a honeydew. The ripest Santa Claus melon will have soft blossom ends that yield to gentle pressure and a vibrant yellow hue.

This melon was named in English as recognition of its long keeping qualities, i.e. "until Christmas".


The flesh of uncut melons is juicier and softer if kept at room temperature one or two days before serving. Once ripened or cut, it should be refrigerated in plastic. An excellent keeper, this hardy melon can be kept up to six weeks longer than other varieties



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