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Sun Dried Tomatoes
Sun Dried Tomatoes

Sun Dried Tomatoes


Price per pack 1kg

Fiordelisi is undoubtedly one of the best producers of sun-dried tomatoes. Certainly the most representative in terms of quality. It has been active on the international market for more than thirty years, Fiordelisi follows the development of its products from seed selection, so to obtain varieties that are best suited for sun-drying, to the finished product.The Fiordelisi sun-dried tomato is characterized by a bright red color and an elongated shape. It is soft and pleasant on the palate and effectively expresses the taste of tradition and experience. No chemical additive is used for sun-drying. Fiordelisi’s motto has always been "Only sun and salt". It’s just salt, in fact, that acts as a natural preservative and allows tomatoes to keep their bright color.


INGREDIENTS:pici 400gr, 80gr dried tomatoes, stale bread crumb (preferably loaf), 6 tablespoons olive oil, salt to taste, anchovies 30gr oil, 1 clove of garlic, spicy fresh chili pepper 1.

Soak the sun dried tomatoes in a bowl of hot water until their revive (10-15 minutes). Meanwhile, remove the rind and chopped loaf bread crumbs that reduce fine crumbs with the help of the blades of a food processor. Drain the anchovies from the oil and chop finely; drain thoroughly the revived sun dried tomatoes, dry with kitchen paper and cut into thin strips; add them and sauté a few seconds with the other ingredients in the pan. In another pan, place 3 tablespoons of olive oil and let brown the crumb loaf until it is crisp. Meanwhile, boil in lightly salted water the Pici (considering the high flavor of the sauce), drain and sauté a few seconds in a pan with the mixture of sun-dried tomatoes, adding, if needed, a few tablespoons of cooking water to mix everything. When you have already turned off the heat, add the crispy crumb, then serve and serve immediately.

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