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Rib Eye Casina Asturiana 30 days dry aged
Rib Eye Casina Asturiana 30 days dry aged
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Rib Eye Casina Asturiana 30 days dry aged


Estimated price per piece

VACUM was created in Spain, 10 years ago, with the main objective to sell Rustic Spanish beef meat, from the north region of Spain, Castilla y Leon. CASINA(ASTURIANA) and RUBIA GALLEGA breed, are the top 3 breeds chosen, since they are the best rustic breeds on the region.

Casina Asturiana meat is produced from high mountains free range old cows, raised and fed in the North of Spain. These cows are fed with fresh grass from the high mountains, supplemented with dry grass and grain in shortage times. The meat has a purple colour, with fat ranging from a pearl white to a yolk yellow, very soft and fine texture.

A good level of ageing (minimum 30 days)  for meats should break down the muscle fibres, concentrate flavours and dry out water and moisture that the meat doesn't require. Correctly-aged meat always has a pleasing smell and a dry appearance. At VACUM we have developed a unique ageing system over many years, which controls various factors besides temperature and humidity.

Product of Spain.

Aged meat is full of flavour and aroma. Adding a complicated sauce is not really necessary. A simple salad or some grilled veggies will suffice. For example a piece of lets say 3cm thick. (if thicker or thinner adjust the cooking time) what would you need?

Cooking grease: Our personal choice will alaways be real butter. This fits perfectly in our flavourpattern. We do make sure the butter doesn't burn that is why during the preparation we keep adding fresh butter, or some oil with a high smoke point (arachis, coconut or Ghee). Cooking in coconut or ghee is definetely a healthy valid option.

Pan, grill or barbecue: All of the above are fine, if you use a pan don't use a nonstick surface. Pick one with the same dimension as the meat, doing so will prevent the butter from burning. If you only have a bigger one, add some coarsely cut onions or mushrooms to the side of the pan. These veggies will add to the natural aroma and can be served alongside the meat.

Herbs: All this flavour demands limited spicing. Use salt en pepper of the highest quality (Guérande, Himalaya, coarse sea salt)

Cooking: Leave the meat out of the fridge for about 1 to 2 hours so it will be room temperature, you can hurry it along by placing the meat in a preheated oven at 50°C for about 20 minutes. Add the cooking grease to a pan or grill and let it heat. Add pepper and place your meat in the pan. Scorche both of the sides of the meat without piercing it, you can tell it's been scorched enough if it comes off the surface spontaneously. If you've readied the meat as shown you now have a bleu-chaud (bloody). If you prefer rare, place the pan with the meat in a preheated oven at a 120°C for about 10 minutes. if you prefer medium rare or well-done add another 5-10 minutes respectively. after cooking, wrap your cut in aluminium foil and let it rest for about 8 minutes. Cut it up in thick slices, finish with some coarse salt and pepper.

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