Top mix asparagus big caliber

Top mix asparagus big caliber


Albenga asparagus

The tips of the large spears of Albenga violet asparagus are deep purple, gradually shading to cream towards the base. The unusual color of this unique variety is not the result of a specific cultivation technique, but comes from its genetic heritage. This particular asparagus has 40 chromosomes instead of 20, like all other varieties, so it cannot be adulterated through crosses. This has meant it has maintained its inimitable fragrance and flavor. Even so, the cultivation of this extraordinary Ligurian variety, so popular in the 1930s, has by now been almost completely abandoned.


White asparagus

White and green asparagus are the same thing with one major exception—the way they’re grown. Just like your skin changes color when exposed to the sun, so does asparagus. When new spears pop out of the ground, reaching up toward the sun’s rays, they develop chlorophyll, which turns the spears green through the magic of photosynthesis. White asparagus, however, is grown completely under the soil or covered with plastic so it is never exposed to sunlight. This prevents photosynthesis, keeping the spears milky white. As they grow, more dirt is mounded up around them, keeping them covered until harvest.

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