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Fresh Australian Winter Truffle Extra Grade 25-100gr
Fresh Australian Winter Truffle Extra Grade 25-100gr
Questo prodotto viene lavorato fresco al momento dell'evasione dell'ordine e richiede di essere pesato prima di poter indicare il prezzo finale.

Fresh Australian Winter Truffle Extra Grade 25-100gr


Price per 100gr


Manjimup lies 295 kilometres south of Perth (Australia) and is the largest producing area of premium Périgord Truffles in the southern hemisphere

The Western Australian truffle industry is coming from the same species of French black truffle or also called “Périgord truffle”. It grows in association with hazelnut trees and oak trees

Their taste and aroma are quite tricky to describe but some liken them to 'gourmet mushrooms'. They have pungent, intense, earthy, unique characters and are used in small quantities in cooking.

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