Elenco prodotti

Mozzarella di Bufala 250g

Mozzarella di Bufala 250g

Il caseificio Ponte di legno è un piccolo produttore artigianale situato in Amaseno (Frosinone) nella regione del Lazio. Attualmente i circa 500 capi di bestiame sono utilizzati per la produzione di mozzarelle, nodini, trecce, ricotte fresche e speziate, caciotte, scamorze, caciocavalli, schiacciatine, mozzarelle affumicate, ricotta secca, affumicata, formaggi primo sale bianchi, speziati o stagionati, e la prelibatissima cremosa di bufala. Tutta la produzione viene realizzata esclusivamente con il 100 percento di latte di bufala che viene lavorato artigianalmente crudo senza ricorrere alla pastorizzazione.

Buffalo Mozzarella 125g

Buffalo Mozzarella 125g

Il caseificio Ponte di legno è un piccolo produttore artigianale situato in Amaseno (Frosinone) nella regione del Lazio. Attualmente i circa 500 capi di bestiame sono utilizzati per la produzione di mozzarelle, nodini, trecce, ricotte fresche e speziate, caciotte, scamorze, caciocavalli, schiacciatine, mozzarelle affumicate, ricotta secca, affumicata, formaggi primo sale bianchi, speziati o stagionati, e la prelibatissima cremosa di bufala. Tutta la produzione viene realizzata esclusivamente con il 100 percento di latte di bufala che viene lavorato artigianalmente crudo senza ricorrere alla pastorizzazione.

Burratina di Andria 125g

Burratina di Andria 125g

Burrata of Andria of Caseificio Olanda is created all year following the ancient recipes of the dairy tradition of Andria. It is thanks to these teachings, handed down from generation to generation, that today it is possible to make only a fresh cheese faithful to the original by hand. The white and rounded shape of the bag, whose thickness is studied to perfection, contains a soft and creamy heart made of “stracciatella”. This filling, a mix of cream and frays made by hand, is irresistible for anyone for its sweet and fresh flavor that melts pleasantly in the mouth. 

Burrata di Andria 250g

Burrata di Andria 250g

Burrata of Andria of Caseificio Olanda is created all year following the ancient recipes of the dairy tradition of Andria. It is thanks to these teachings, handed down from generation to generation, that today it is possible to make only a fresh cheese faithful to the original by hand. The white and rounded shape of the bag, whose thickness is studied to perfection, contains a soft and creamy heart made of “stracciatella”. This filling, a mix of cream and frays made by hand, is irresistible for anyone for its sweet and fresh flavor that melts pleasantly in the mouth. 

Smoked Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP 125g

Smoked Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP 125g

Smoked Buffalo Mozzarella is a version of "classic" Buffalo Mozzarella. It is subjected to smoke with a natural process and it is called "buffalo mozzarella smoked". The smoking is done in the traditional manner: the mozzarella are tied in pairs on a stick resting on the bricks. The smoke is produced with bay and laurel. Spun paste fresh cheese. Outside aspect: dark color for its smoking phase, thin rind of about one millimeter with smooth surface, never slimy or hurled.

LadyBu is an artisanal producer of Mozzarella Bufala Campana DOP, knots, braids, fresh ricotta and smoked, cheeses, scamorza, caciocavalli, smoked mozzarella, ricotta dried, smoked cheese, first white salt, spiced or seasoned, and the creamy cheese. The whole production is made exclusively with 100 percent of buffalo milk that is handcrafted.

Fresh Cow's Milk AgriCansiglio Ricotta 300g

Fresh Cow's Milk AgriCansiglio Ricotta 300g

AgriCansiglio exclusively transforms ONLY MILK of the Cooperative Partners of the Provinces of BELLUNO, TREVISO, and PORDENONE.

The taste is round, soft, delicate, milky and dolce. Following aftertaste is round, creamy with strong hints of fresh milk. The cheese is without rind. The paste is soft, creamy and its color is white. A fresh and creamy cow's milk ricotta cheese. To be used as an ingredient in cakes, in stuffed pasta or as a main course with vegetables. Try a slice with strawberry jam, a ready dessert.

Mascarpone Sterilgarda 2Kg

Mascarpone Sterilgarda 2Kg

Fresh cheese made with high quality milk cream. 
Product obtained from warmed cream’s coagulation with citric acid; unseasoned.
Product is meant for all people, according to their health conditions.
Excellent to prepare delicious recipes and not only in confectionery!

Ingredients: Milk pasteurized cream, acidity corrector : citric acid
Allergens: Milk and milk products (including lactose).
Storage and preservation : 0 / +4 ° C.
Once opened, keep it refrigerated and use within 3-4 days.

Mascarpone Sterilgarda 250g

Mascarpone Sterilgarda 250g

Fresh cheese made with high quality milk cream. 
Product obtained from warmed cream’s coagulation with citric acid; unseasoned.
Product is meant for all people, according to their health conditions.
Excellent to prepare delicious recipes and not only in confectionery!

Ingredients: Milk pasteurized cream, acidity corrector : citric acid
Allergens: Milk and milk products (including lactose).
Storage and preservation : 0 / +4 ° C.
Once opened, keep it refrigerated and use within 3-4 days.

Feta Cheese DOP Papathanasiou 200g

Feta Cheese DOP Papathanasiou 200g

PAPATHANASIOU FETA (PDO) is considered the top Greek feta. In making this cheese, the focus is entirely on quality and the strict rules regarding the method of production, while also respecting the tradition that the Papathanasiou family has created in mountainous Trichonida.

It is made from 100% Greek milk from the region and at least 70% sheep’s milk. It has the taste of authentic feta as it ages for at least 3-4 months in brine in wooden barrels that allow the cheese to breathe and mature in a natural environment. It is pure white in colour and steadily maintains its flavour, which thousands of consumers in Greece and abroad have come to love.

In the kitchen
Feta is the most typical and popular cheese in the Greek diet and thanks to its unique organoleptic characteristics has also earned recognition by most international cuisines. It is hard to think of traditional or even modern dishes in Greek cuisine that are not accompanied by feta cheese. Apart from being an accompaniment, it also serves as an ingredient in the preparation of a large number of dishes, including cooked, roasted and fried dishes, as well as salads. It would certainly not be an exaggeration to say that it can be used in anything with the same ease, adding value to each dish.

Taleggio DOP

Taleggio DOP

Il Taleggio è un formaggio di origine antichissime, forse anteriori al X secolo. La zona di origine è la Val Taleggio in provincia di Bergamo , da cui deriva il nome. I valligiani avendo l'esigenza di conservare il latte eccedente il consumo diretto, iniziarono a produrre del formaggio che, una volta stagionato in grotte o casere di vallata, poteva essere scambiato con altri prodotti o commercializzato. La crosta del Taleggio deve essere rosata naturale: significa che la maturazione è avvenuta correttamente e non vi è stato alcun trattamento sulla superficie ad esclusione delle normali spugnature con acqua e sale legate al corretto processo di stagionatura. La pasta è normalmente più molle immediatamente sotto la crosta, questo poiché la maturazione avviene dall'esterno verso l'interno (maturazione centripeta). Perciò quello che può sembrare uno strato di formaggio molto grasso sotto la crosta, è in realtà formaggio più maturo.La superficie dell'intera forma di Taleggio riporta il marchio a quattro cerchi, parti del marchio sono ben visibili anche qualora il Taleggio sia venduto porzionato in quarti di forma od in altre pezzature.

Spicy Gorgonzola DOP 200g

Spicy Gorgonzola DOP 200g

Typical blue cheese from North of Italy, produced with pasteurized full cream milk. It is obtained from full cream cow's milk. The rind is hard and compact. The color of the rind is brownish red. The paste is firm with the typical grey green mould. It taste is strong, sharp, intense, long and aromatic. The aftertaste is long, sharp and piccante (spicy).

Curiosity: Gorgonzola is a very ancient cheese. Some say Gorgonzola was first produced in the town of Gorgonzola, near Milan, in the year 879 AD. Some other say that it was first produced in Pasturo nella Valsassina, a great cheese-making area for centuries, due to the presence of excellent natural caves where the average temperature is constantly between 6°C and 12°C. Therefore, this allows perfect making of Gorgonzola as well as several other cheeses.

Fontina DOP

Fontina DOP

La Fontina è un formaggio DOP: a Denominazione d'Origine Protetta in tutta l'Unione Europea. Questo formaggio prodotto in Valle d'Aosta è caratterizzato in particolare da una crosta compatta di colore marrone da chiaro a scuro a seconda delle condizioni di maturazione e della durata di stagionatura; la pasta semicotta e' elastica, morbida; l'occhiatura caratteristica e' dispersa nella forma di colore giallo paglierino più o meno intenso; il gusto caratteristico e' dolce e gradevole più o meno intenso con il procedere della maturazione.

Bra Tenero DOP 250g

Bra Tenero DOP 250g

Bra Tenero is a DOP cheese produced using full-cream cow's milk from the province of Cuneo. The cheese is very soft and elastic, with a creamy white colour, with sparse and unevenly distributed holes. The rind is very thin, with a dark yellow colour. It has a short ripening period, dictated by the discipline that regulates its production, which is just 45 days. Thanks to its delicate flavour, Bra Tenero is recommended for the production of excellent fondues.

Toma Piemontese DOP 500g

Toma Piemontese DOP 500g

In the valleys of Piedmont, in places where the amazing panorama joins the culinary culture, takes place the original Toma Piemontese DOP. It is a fat or semi-fat cheese, belonging to the category of washed-rind cheeses, made from cow’s milk, whole or semi-skimmed, with a seasoning from 20 to 45 days.

Toma Piemontese is a kind of cheese made from cow’s milk, obtained from farms in the indicated areas. For being defined “Toma Piemontese”, a cheese must come from cows, but it can be exposed to hygienic or thermic processes.

Ricotta affumicata Crotonese

Ricotta affumicata Crotonese

Prodotto ottenuto dal siero di latte ovino proveniente da pecore di razza Gentile allevate nel pascolo estensivo del Marchesato di Crotone. Ricotta affumicata dalla caratteristica forma tronco-conica e dalla crosta sottile e rugosa, che riporta i segni delle fiscelle di giunco. La pasta e unita e liscia, di colore bianco-avorio, morbida e burrosa. Il sapore è sapido, delicatamente affumicato. Selezionata perchè prodotta con puro siero di latte ovino e delicatamente affumicata

Butter 1889 Fattorie Fiandino 200g

Butter 1889 Fattorie Fiandino 200g

Pure and soft, as a milk cushion on which sweet and savoury ingredients rest. A moment of sweetness between acidity and a flavour match to be discovered, a loving embrace between cream and gelato, our local traditions that meet Northern Europe ones and become butter. After the fresh-milked milk centrifugation, the cream is separated by mechanical action and left to rest for 72 hours, this procedure will ensure the butter a delicate flavour and light almond hints.

Latteria del Molise Cow Milk Smoked Scamorza 180gr

Latteria del Molise Cow Milk Smoked Scamorza 180gr

Scamorza is a spun paste cheese made with cow's milk. Some Campania dairies also produce scamorza with buffalo milk. It is recognized as a traditional agri-food product of the Campania, Basilicata, Abruzzo, Molise, Puglia and Calabria regions

Italian Butter Beppino Occelli 125g

Italian Butter Beppino Occelli 125g

Made from a fresh cream obtained by skimming fresh milk of the day, it taste sweet and delicate with a slight aroma of almond . This butter is produced using traditional technology and each piece is wrapped by hand. Beppino Occelli’s butter is considered the real starting point of a fascinating sequence of events that has been completely dedicated to good taste and achieving absolute quality.

The process of making the classic rectangular forms using the traditional moulds representing several mountain symbols makes the Butter good-flavoured inside and attractive on the outside: this is the most appropriate definition of Beppino Occelli’s butter.

Provolone Del Monaco DOP

Provolone Del Monaco DOP

Provolone is an Italian cheese made from cow’s milk and whose origins lie in Southern Italy. Though many countries have started producing this cheese, traditional Provolone is still produced only in the northern region of Italy. Both Provolone Valpadana and Provolone del Monaco are granted DOP designation by the European Union to ensure that cheese is produced under strict supervision using specific methods to guarantee supreme quality.

Provolone del Monaco is a semi-hard, kneaded-curd, matured cheese produced from the raw milk of cows reared within the province of Naples. For the product to maintain consistent quality it follows certain procedures and criteria. Twenty percent of the milk comes from Agerolese cows to give Provolone del Monaco its unique flavour. The cheese should be matured for a minimum of 180 days, at the end of which the product should weigh 2.5 kg but not more than 8 kg. The pear shaped body of the Provolone tied with raffia is cream coloured, elastic, compact and has characteristic eye holes which may increase towards the centre of the cheese. It has a high fat content of 40.5%. Thanks to the stringent guidelines and intricate processing, the cheese turns out to be extremely flavourful with sweet, buttery aroma with a light, pleasant spicy taste. With extended maturation period, the taste and aroma of the cheese becomes more robust and spicier.

The ripe flavour of the cheese goes along with full-bodied and aged red wines. At the table, it could be served with hot chutneys, homemade breads and flat breads.

Ricotta Salata with saffron hint 500gr

Ricotta Salata with saffron hint 500gr

Salted ricotta is a very popular variety of ricotta, which differs from the classic fresh ricotta because it is more "dry" and has a more marked flavor. Historically, to be able to keep it longer, salt was used, which allows it to be preserved and seasoned, using it in the kitchen for many delicious preparations. Ricotta is not a cheese: it can be understood from the fact that, to obtain it, the whey deriving from the processing of the cheese is used.

Clarified Butter 250g

Clarified Butter 250g

What is clarified butter?
Classic butter contains 83% milk fat, 1% protein and carbohydrate, and 16% water. But when butter is used in the kitchen, the water evaporates and sometimes causes problems and imperfections: for this reason, the great chefs choose to clarify it. Clarifying the butter means removing the part of the water, carbohydrates and proteins.

Why choose clarified butter?
Clarified butter lasts longer
The presence of water inside the butter accelerates its expiration. By removing the water, the butter lasts longer without the need for any preservatives or additives. It is precisely for this reason that the expiry of clarified butter is much longer.

Clarified butter has a better yield
When the butter is heated, the water evaporates and therefore about 16% of what is put in the pot is lost. Using clarified butter, nothing evaporates, and therefore about 16% less can be used.

The clarified butter in the pan does not pop
How many times during the frying we have soiled the stove or our dress! This happens because the drops of water present in the butter "crackle" and splash. By cooking with clarified butter, which does not contain water, we will no longer have this problem.

Clarified butter does not blacken
When the butter is used in a pan, black dots appear after a short time: these are carbohydrates and proteins that are burnt. The clarified butter does not contain any and therefore will tend to remain clear and not to "dirty" your recipes.

 Clarified butter has a higher smoke point
This is a slightly more technical feature but no less important for this. In fact, with clarified butter you can fry at higher temperatures, obtaining better frying. 

Clarified butter does not contain lactose
Lactose is a carbohydrate which, together with proteins and water, is eliminated during the clarification of the butter.

Fontal Cheese

Fontal Cheese

A semi-cooked paste, made from pasteurized cow’s milk that is a modern evolution of Fontina PDO. Simple, soft, mild and enough creamy, defenetly a great cheese to keep stocked in your fridge.

Fresh Caciocavallo Irpinia

Fresh Caciocavallo Irpinia

Whole raw cow milk obtained from cows raised in the green heart of Irpinia (south of Italy). The crust is thin and elastic, the cheese is compact, straw-colored. It has a sweet taste, with fermented notes and a pleasant aroma of honey, persistent despite the freshness.

Curiosity: It is named Caciocavallo (namely horse cheese) because two shapes of this cheese are tied together and hung on a pole as if they were on a horseback.

Sardinian Sheep Milk Ricotta Salata

Sardinian Sheep Milk Ricotta Salata

This is a Ricotta to cut and grater produced in Sardinia with sheep whey. The dough is white, smooth and free of crust. It taste sweet with butter and floral notes. Producer CAO Formaggi is a cooperative made up of 700 members, founded in 1966 with the aim of enhancing the pastoral heritage of Sardinia and aggregating a set of breeders to transform the milk of their respective companies into a cheese production of charact

Goat Cheese Sweet Gorgonzola Style

Goat Cheese Sweet Gorgonzola Style

Soft blue cheese made with goat's milk.
Sweet, with strong lactic notes and a slight hint of goat, very delicate compared to
traditional goat blue cheese

Mostarda Classic - Mustard from Cremona Luccini

Mostarda Classic - Mustard from Cremona Luccini

Apricots, pears, pineapples and peaches candied and dipped in flavored glucose syrup with mustard. Typical Cremonese mustard, which is characterized by being prepared with pieces of fruit whole. It has a clean, spicy but delicate flavor. The Mostarda di Cremona is excellent combined with salami, boiled meats and cheeses, or in the classic pairing with mascarpone and panettone. It goes well with many cheeses:
from Asiago to sweet Gorgonzola, from Ricotta to Taleggio, from Roquefort to fresh goats.
Also excellent with cooked ham, cotechino, roasts and boiled meats.

Mostarda Organic - Apple and Pear Mustard Luccini

Mostarda Organic - Apple and Pear Mustard Luccini

Typical Cremonese mustard with pieces of whole fruit made with apples and pears from organic farming Sweet and slightly spicy with fruit aroma.The Mostarda di Mele e Pere goes very well with semi-mature cheeses and ice cream vanilla-flavoured.

Mostarda - Fig Mustard Luccini

Mostarda - Fig Mustard Luccini

The classic Cremona mustard, handcrafted by the Luccini family with figs candied fruit and dipped in glucose syrup flavored with mustard. Typical Cremonese mustard, which is characterized by being prepared with pieces of fruit whole. It has a clean, spicy but delicate flavor. The origin of Mostarda di Cremona is, as the name implies, in the preparations based on grape must (mustum ardens) which, cooked and concentrated, was consumed in its natural state or with the addition of mustard. With the addition of must, fruit or vegetables could be preserved a long. For this he had a notable success in the medieval and Renaissance kitchens of all of Europe, where they tried to exploit in every way all the expedients that prevented them the deterioration of food. In the following centuries the link between mustard and the must, up to the product we know today and which, in its components fundamental, already appeared in its final version in the 19th century. The Mostarda di Cremona is excellent combined with salami, boiled meats and cheeses, or in the classic pairing with mascarpone and panettone. In particular it goes well with cheeses fresh: ricotta, goat cheese, buffalo mozzarella. Also try with blue cheeses: Gorgonzola spicy, Roquefort, Stilton. Delicious with Foie Gras and hot Pan Brioches.

Mostarda Organic - Citrus Mustard Luccini

Mostarda Organic - Citrus Mustard Luccini

Typical Cremonese mustard, which stands out for being prepared with pieces of whole fruit made with oranges and lemons from organic farming. Sweet and slightly spicy with the characteristic freshness of citrus.The origin of Mostarda di Cremona is, as the name implies, in the preparations based on grape must (mustum ardens) which, cooked and concentrated, was consumed in its natural state or with the addition of mustard. With the addition of must, fruit or vegetables could be preserved a long. For this reason it had considerable success in the medieval and Renaissance kitchens of all of Europe, where they tried to exploit in every way all the devices that prevented them the deterioration of food. In the following centuries the link between mustard and the must, up to the product we know today and which, in its components fundamental, appeared already in its final version in the 19th century.
Organic Citrus Fruit Mostarda can be paired with smoked salmon, salted anchovies. Try it with aged cheeses.

Mostarda Organic - Red Onion Mustard Luccini

Mostarda Organic - Red Onion Mustard Luccini

The classic Cremona mustard, handcrafted by the Luccini family with red onions from organic farming, candied and dipped in glucose syrup flavored with mustard.
The origin of Mostarda di Cremona is, as the name implies, in preparations based on grape must (mustum ardens) which, cooked and concentrated, was consumed in its natural state or with the addition of mustard. With the addition of must, fruit or vegetables could be preserved for a long time. For this reason it had considerable success in medieval and Renaissance kitchens throughout Europe, where they tried to exploit in every way all the expedients that prevented the deterioration of the food. In the following centuries the link between mustard and must disappeared, up to the product we know today and which, in its fundamental components, already appeared in its final version in the 19th century.
The Mostarda di Cremona is excellent combined with cold cuts, boiled meats and cheeses, or in the classic combination with mascarpone and panettone. In particular it goes well with boiled beef, Montasio, Gruyere.

Raschera DOP

Raschera DOP

Raw cow's milk obtained exclusively from Brown breed cows.
The paste is compact, ivory white in color with sparse and evenly distributed holes; comes with the classic square shape.
Sweet, with lactic sensations, of cooked butter and toasted notes.
Montegrana cheeses are produced in Monterosso Grana in an uncontaminated valley where the dairy tradition has ancient and deep roots that date back to the late nineteenth century. We have found this long tradition in all Montegrana cheeses.
The square shape was adopted in the past to facilitate the transport of the shapes on the back of a mule.
Table cheese, also to try in a fondue.

Comtè AOC Cheese 24 Months - 250gr

Comtè AOC Cheese 24 Months - 250gr

Comté 24 months AOC Produced from cow's milk that have been fed from the rich pastures of the Jura mountains, no additives are mixed with the milk. It is one of the most appreciated cheese in France and the world

Comté was one of the first few cheeses to receive an AOC (Appellation d’origine contrôlée) status in 1958. It is one of the most popular AOC cheeses in France with around 40,000 tons of annual production.

Considered one of the finest cheeses in the world, a wedge of Comte reveals a pale yellow interior and a texture that can vary from silky, flabby to crystalline. The main aromatic flavours that delicately linger on the palate are a balance of brown-butter and roasted-nut aromas and a sweet finish.


Ubriaco Cheese Cured with Prosecco DOC 300gr

Ubriaco Cheese Cured with Prosecco DOC 300gr

Pasturized cow milk cheese aged in Prosecco DOC

The rind is thin and light color, the past is compact with no holes and ivory white or pale yellow in color.

The taste is delicate and fresh with hints of apple and ripe fruits. It matues at least 6 months

Comtè AOC Cheese 30 Months - 250gr

Comtè AOC Cheese 30 Months - 250gr

Comté  30 months AOC Produced from cow's milk that have been fed from the rich pastures of the Jura mountains, no additives are mixed with the milk. It is one of the most appreciated cheese in France and the world

Comté was one of the first few cheeses to receive an AOC (Appellation d’origine contrôlée) status in 1958. It is one of the most popular AOC cheeses in France with around 40,000 tons of annual production.

Considered one of the finest cheeses in the world, a wedge of Comte reveals a pale yellow interior and a texture that can vary from silky, flabby to crystalline. The main aromatic flavours that delicately linger on the palate are a balance of brown-butter and roasted-nut aromas and a sweet finish.


Parmigiano Reggiano DOP 24 months 5kg

Parmigiano Reggiano DOP 24 months 5kg

Hidden inside the mighty walls of the monasteries, some Benedictine monks began to work in making a hard cheese using the neighbouring land milk. Then they tried to leave it to rest on wooden rows for months. It has happened on 1100. The beginning of an extraordinary experience. Nine centuries of history, the same place of origin, the same rituals, the same dedication, the same inimitable taste we are elaborating everyday by our Agricola Giansanti's P.D.O. Parmigiano Reggiano King of Cheeses.

Long Matured Goat Cheese

Long Matured Goat Cheese

The long matured goat cheese from Carozzi is made with 100% Italian goat's milk and aged for 12-18 months. The paste is grainy and ivory white in color; the rind is smooth.
Sweet, with a slightly hinted flavor; the notes of ircina and dried fruit are very delicate.

Clarified Butter 2 kg

Clarified Butter 2 kg

Grana Padano DOP 300g

Grana Padano DOP 300g

The  Grana Padano is Lactose Free Cheese. Due to its popularity around the world, the name Grana Padano has inevitably acquired a certain status associated with that of a high quality product.
The significance of the name Grana Padano sets it apart. These two words embody the entire history of Grana Padano, dating all the way back to its original roots. "Grana" due to its texture, "grana" means "grainy" in Italian. "Padano" from the production area in the "Pianura Padana" which is the Po River Valley in northern Italy. Unique, unmistakable, incomparable.
Grana Padano’s unique taste is one of its best characteristics.
To say Grana Padano is tasty goes without saying.
However, Grana Padano is also a healthy choice - there is nothing better than a guiltless pleasure, a wonderful experience for your taste buds that also boosts your general well-being.

The basic absence of lactose in Grana Padano PDO – a consequence of its natural production process as rigorously laid down in its official Specification Rules – means that people intolerant to lactose can assimilate it without problems, thus allowing them to benefit from the extraordinary nutritious content of the milk and the bioactive properties of cheese.

Bella Lodi Vegetarian Rennet 1kg

Bella Lodi Vegetarian Rennet 1kg

There is a version of Bella Lodi produced with "GMO-free vegetarian rennet". This cheese is particularly suitable for vegetarians, or to be certified Kosher and Halal, which is essential for the Muslim world and be consumed in some Arab and Asian markets, a real vegetarian parmesan. Obviously, as in the "classic" version, it is absolutely: Preservatives free (no lysozyme) ; Made only with Italian milk of a narrow zone, through a sustainable harvest ; Lactose free ; made with renewable energy. The quality of this product has also been recognized by 2 very prestigious international awards: International Cheese Awards 2011 and World Cheese Awards 2011

Pecorino Romano DOP 300g

Pecorino Romano DOP 300g

Pecorino Romano is a table and grating cheese, white or black coated crust made from semi-raw milk, with white color and compact tiny eyes. Hard savory and tangy cheese, intense and aromatic, tending towards spicy with aging.

Curiosity: 700 years b.C. around the city of Rome teh empire was controlling the production of Pecorino because it used to feed the soldiers with such a nutrient food. The reason why it has been always a very salted cheese has to do with the power of Rome: salt have always been a currency and having that meant to have authority. Today this cheese is mainly done in Sardinia

Grana Padano Grated 160g

Grana Padano Grated 160g

The real Grana Padano, selected in the best DOP cheese factories, characterised by persistent taste and aroma, coming in a handy freshness seal tin of 160g

Parmigiano Reggiano DOP 16 months 50g

Parmigiano Reggiano DOP 16 months 50g

This Parmigiano Reggiano is made only with milk from Italian Holstein Frisian cows, born and lived in a small farm owned by Bonati family from 4 generations without adding additives or preservatives. Hard mature cheese is produced with raw milk, partially skimmed by surfacing. The whole production process is strictly artisanal and reach 16 month of seasoning.

Parmigiano Reggiano DOP 18 months 200g

Parmigiano Reggiano DOP 18 months 200g

Eighteen months is the minimum period in which the cheese develops and matures all the nutritional characteristics that make it unique. Agricola Giansanti's Parmigiano Reggiano Fresco is softly-and-round tasting, white in colour, and still partially granular in consistency. For this reason we recommend it first of all as a “table cheese”, to be eaten together with a drink or as an appetizer in family brunches.

Parmigiano Reggiano DOP 20 months 300g

Parmigiano Reggiano DOP 20 months 300g

Parmigiano Reggiano DOP aged 20 months  from Agriform is produced exclusively in select regions of Emilia-Romagna and Mantova in the hilly and mountainous areas between the Po and Tyrrhenian rivers, with milk from cows that feed exclusively on locally grown forage. Each wheel is made from fresh unpasteurized cow’s milk, rennet, and salt.

Parmigiano Reggiano DOP Vacche Rosse 24M 300gr

Parmigiano Reggiano DOP Vacche Rosse 24M 300gr

Semi-skimmed raw milk obtained exclusively from Reggiana breed cows.
The paste has an intense straw color, a color that distinguishes this product.
Sweet and intense with notes of cooked and toasted butter.
This Parmigiano Reggiano to boast the 'red cows' brand must be produced exclusively with the milk of Reggiana cows, fed with at least 50% of fodder from the company (grass and hay) and with a maximum of 50% feed. (cereals and legumes) certified GMO free, unifeed feeding is prohibited and the forms must be aged for at least 24 months.
The Reggiana breed cows produce milk of excellent quality especially as regards the composition of the casein which makes it very suitable for cheese making. The post World War II policy pushed breeders to cross this breed with more productive ones. In 1980, there were less than a thousand of Fromentini leaders. The quality of the milk and new enhancement strategies, also supported by the Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry Policies and the Emilia Romagna Region, have since then led to a constant demographic recovery, so much so that the current consistency is 2565.

Parmigiano Reggiano Gran Riserva 5 anni

Parmigiano Reggiano Gran Riserva 5 anni

Questo Parmigiano Reggiano viene prodotto solo con il latte di mucche di razza frisona italiana nate, allevate e cresciute in un piccolo allevamento. Tutto il ciclo di lavorazione è rigorosamente artigianale. Il Parmigiano Reggiano quando raggiunge i 2 anni di stagionatura viene riqualificato da esperti del consorzio di tutela e solo le forme eccezionali e di corretta maturazione vengono marchiate con il secondo marchio "EXTRA"; solo il meglio a questo punto raggiunge i 5 anni di stagionatura.

Il formaggio è straordinario: sapori inconsueti, sensazioni sconosciute e sorprendenti, sempre grande equilibrio che si nutre di potenza ed eleganza, mentre il colore imbrunisce con gli anni. L’aroma è fine; il sapore avvolgente, pieno, ricco, mai piccante, riempie la bocca.

Al palato è fondente, con le sensazioni grasse (la caseina, specie nelle stagionature più vecchie, è ben visibile) che tengono a bada un carattere spiccato. E’ un’esperienza nuova, che spinge in avanti il paradigma organolettico del Parmigiano e che fino a poco tempo fa era difficile solo immaginare.

Parmigiano Regginao Speciale 7 anni

Parmigiano Regginao Speciale 7 anni

Il Parmigiano Reggiano quando raggiunge i 2 anni di stagionatura viene riqualificato da esperti del consorzio di tutela e solo le forme eccezionali e di corretta maturazione vengono marchiate con il secondo marchio "EXTRA"; solo il meglio a questo punto raggiunge i 7 anni di stagionatura. Il formaggio è straordinario: sapori inconsueti, sensazioni sconosciute e sorprendenti, sempre grande equilibrio che si nutre di potenza ed eleganza, mentre il colore imbrunisce con gli anni. L’aroma è fine; il sapore avvolgente, pieno, ricco, mai piccante, riempie la bocca. Al palato è fondente, con le sensazioni grasse (la caseina, specie nelle stagionature più vecchie, è ben visibile) che tengono a bada un carattere spiccato. E’ un’esperienza nuova, che spinge in avanti il paradigma organolettico del Parmigiano e che fino a poco tempo fa era difficile solo immaginare. Il Gambero Rosso nel 2012 ha assegnato all'Azienda Agricola Bonat, su 316 formaggi, il principale riconoscimento, premio “i fuoriclasse” al Parmigiano Reggiano 7 anni.

Parmigiano Reggiano Garantito 18 mesi

Parmigiano Reggiano Garantito 18 mesi

Nascosti tra le poderose mura dei monasteri, i monaci benedettini iniziarono a lavorare il latte dei pascoli vicini per creare un formaggio di pasta dura che poi provarono a lasciare riposare per mesi su assi di legno. Era l'anno 1100. L'inizio di una esperienza straordinaria. Nove secoli di storia, lo stesso luogo d'origine, gli stessi rituali, la stessa dedizione, lo stesso straordinario gusto che ogni giorno portiamo in tavola con il nostro Parmigiano Reggiano D.O.P. Agricola Giansanti.

Diciotto mesi sono il periodo minimo di stagionatura, nel quale il formaggio sviluppa e matura tutte le caratteristiche nutritive che lo contraddistinguono. Il Parmigiano Reggiano Fresco Agricola Giansanti è un formaggio dal gusto morbido e rotondo, dal colore bianco latte, e dalla consistenza ancora parzialmente granulare. Per questo è consigliato principalmente come formaggio da pasto, da consumare durante un aperitivo o come antipasto nei pranzi in famiglia.

Parmigiano Reggiano Vacche Rosse 24 months

Parmigiano Reggiano Vacche Rosse 24 months

Produced with the milk of Red Cows of Reggiana’s breed, fed exclusively with grass, hay and certified no GMO feed, it is strictly prohibited to use any method to force the production, high attention to the animal well-being. Born from a particular limited cru area of Parmigiano Reggiano made from the milk of red patched Reggiana breed cattle traditionally used in the production of this cheese.  This breed has subsequently been almost entirely substituted by the less valuable Friesian cows. Due to the characteristics of the base milk and for the care taken in making this ‘Red Cow’ Parmigiano Reggiano, whose forms are distinguished by the expression ‘Vacche rosse – razza Reggiana’ fire-branded on their surface (a smaller brand is also made on the underside), the quality of this cheese is particularly high. However, the production and consequent availability is very limited.

Montasio Tipico DOP stagionato 3 mesi

Montasio Tipico DOP stagionato 3 mesi

Prodotto in Friuli dal 1200 sui pascoli dello Jof di Montasio, solo nel XIII secolo grazie all'affinamento delle tecniche di lavorazione dei monaci dell'Abbazia di Moggio Udinese diviene un formaggio prodotto in pianura. Un prezzario datato 1775 parla di questo prodotto come un formaggio commercializzato insieme al prosciutto di San Daniele. Prodotto con il latte delle vacche di razza Frisona, Pezzata rossa, Bruna alpina, la cui alimentazione è stabilita dai regolamenti del Consorzio di tutela. La cagliata si ottiene col latte di due mungiture coagulato con caglio di vitello, viene rotta nelle dimensioni di un chicco di riso è cotta a 46°; scolata la massa dal siero di cottura, è deposta nelle fascere col marchio d’origine, pressata e salata a secco o in salamoia. Il Montasio stagiona secondo l’utilizzo, da 2-5 mesi per il tipo da tavola e dai 12 mesi per il tipo da grattugia. Presenta, secondo la stagionatura, un gusto che va dal fresco di latte e pascoli montani, al piccante e pronunciato.

Montasio DOP 250g Seasoned 6 months

Montasio DOP 250g Seasoned 6 months

The Montasio cheese is made with cow milk. The taste is round, smooth, creamy and delicate with a long aftertaste of butter, milk and flowers. It is matures at least 6 months.

Montasio is a cheese that has been around since the 13th century. It was traditionally made by monks living in the Moggio abbey, located at the top of the Carnic Alps. Originally, the cheese was called Carnia, named after the area of production. The milk used to make the cheese comes from three different bovine races: Friesian, Swiss Brown and Pezzata Rossa. The cows are raised according to the rules of the Montasio Cheese Consortium.

Montasio DOP 250g Extra Aged 24 months

Montasio DOP 250g Extra Aged 24 months

Produced with thermised whole cow milk. Taste sweet with hints of milk and butter. It is matured for at least 24 months.

Montasio is a cheese that has been around since the 13th century. It was traditionally made by monks living in the Moggio abbey, located at the top of the Carnic Alps. Originally, the cheese was called Carnia, named after the area of production. The milk used to make the cheese comes from three different bovine races: Friesian, Swiss Brown and Pezzata Rossa. The cows are raised according to the rules of the Montasio Cheese Consortium.

Pecorino Toscano DOP Semi-matured

Pecorino Toscano DOP Semi-matured

From sheep farming to milking, Aged for at least 45 days. The taste is round and creamy, the aftertaste is long with hints of grass and nature

From production to aging, everything must take place as established by the Pecorino Production Regulations
Toscano DOP, in the area of origin, which includes the whole Tuscany region, part of the
province of Terni, in Umbria, and part of the province of Viterbo, in Lazio. This Cheese is produced in Maremma (South of Tuscany)

Pecorino Toscano DOP Stagionato

Pecorino Toscano DOP Stagionato

Realizzato artigianalmente nel cuore della Maremma Toscana, il Pecorino Toscano DOP è prodotto con profumato e aromatico latte di pecora della zona di Grosseto. Il Pecorino Toscano DOP è uno dei pochi pecorini toscani ad avere ricevuto l’importante riconoscimento europeo della Denominazione di Origine Protetta. Stagionato minimo 4 mesi presenta un profumo intenso e inebriante, presenta un bouquet di aromi pregiati. ?Il sapore e’ una piacevole fusione di dolcezza e note leggermente piccanti; la consistenza della pasta e’ medio-morbida,compatta.

Pecorino Toscano DOP Riserva Oro Extra mature

Pecorino Toscano DOP Riserva Oro Extra mature

A precious cheese aged over six months. The paste is hard and granulose,the taste is persistent but sweet and palatable, with variegated and well balanced flavours. Made of sheep's milk, this Pecorino is hand selected by Tuscan cheese makers to become Oro Antico. This Pecorino is transformed over the course of six months by the simple application of olive oil. Once the cheese is glazed with the olive oil it is placed in a stone cellar where it begins its journey to maturity. As the aging process continues olive oil is intermittently applied and the cheese begins to develop its hard texture and distinctive piquancy. Once fully mature the pecorino is of golden hue and has become Oro Antico or in other words ancient gold. The final flavor is that of earth, wild herbs, and citrus. 
Winner of Silver Medal at the 2018 World Cheese Awards.

Pecorino Riserva del Fondatore

Pecorino Riserva del Fondatore

Formaggio creato da Angela e Simone e dedicato al fondatore dell'azienda, come riconoscimento per aver lasciato loro la gestione di questa prestigiosa realtà. Questo può considerarsi "il Formaggio" per antonomasia del caseificio, quello più premiato ed apprezzato dell'azienda. È ottenuto da latte ovino altamente selezionato, prodotto con gli antichi metodi della tradizione e affinato in grotta.

Prodotto con latte ovino di Maremma, la maturazione avviene in cella per almeno 60 giorni poi segue la stagionatura e il successivo affinamento in grotta. Forma cilindrica grande, cm 35 circa di diametro. Scalzo leggermente convesso. Crosta rugosa e oliata. All'odore presenta un'intensità vegetale, fruttato. Il sapore è ampio con note di frutta secca, decisa tendenza dolce di lunga persistenza. La struttura della pasta è compatta e rigida, ma solubile. Presenza di microcristalli dovuti alla stagionatura.

Medaglia d'oro vinta nel giugno del 2013 al prestigioso "Mundial du Fromage et des produits Laitiers" di Tours (Valle della Loira); e, infine, il Super Gold come miglior pecorino al mondo a Londra nel novembre del 2014.

Ubriaco Cheese ripening in Prosecco DOC Wine

Ubriaco Cheese ripening in Prosecco DOC Wine

Ubriaco al Prosecco is made from pasteurized cow's milk. Affectionately called as "drunken cheese", it is bathed in gallons of sparkling Prosecco wine along with skins, seeds, and leftovers from the winemaking process to extract the unique sweet, delicate aroma of the wine and complex flavours. The cheese is immersed for about two months and then aged for about 6 months. The cheese absorbs the flavour of Prosecco wine. The fresh and elegantly salted cheese are best served in crumbles or thin shavings, obviously, with a glass of Prosecco.

Caciocavallo  Abruzzese Affumicato

Caciocavallo Abruzzese Affumicato

Il Caciocavallo è uno dei più antichi formaggi a pasta filata del Mezzogiorno d’Italia, formaggi la cui lavorazione prevede una fase finale di filatura da effettuare lavorando a mano la pasta in acqua molto calda. Questo tipo di caciocavallo subisce un'affumicatura con fuoco a legna e/o paglia naturale. Segue la formatura del caciocavallo e l'immersione della forma, per 1 ora circa, in acqua fredda per il rassodamento.

Caciocavallo Abruzzese Bianco

Caciocavallo Abruzzese Bianco

Prodotto con latte vaccino pastorizzato, all'aspetto si presenta di forma oblunga con una crosta sottile e liscia e una pasta compatta, di colore da bianco a paglierino, omogenea. Il sapore è dolce e delicato con spiccate sensazioni lattiche

Testun al Barolo DOCG

Testun al Barolo DOCG

Viene prodotto da Occelli nel Caseificio di Farigliano (CN) con latte misto, vaccino e ovino, ottenuto da animali liberi di muoversi e alimentarsi sui pascoli estivi. Dopo 5 mesi di stagionatura nelle cantine di Valcasotto viene affinato in vinacce di Nebbiolo da Barolo. La crosta si presenta pertanto umida, di colore violaceo. La pasta è dura e compatta e può presentare qualche infiltrazione violacea. Il latte d'alpeggio conferisce al formaggio un sapore deciso, ricco di aromi di fiori e erbe, che l'affinatura in vinaccia arricchisce di sentori vinosi e di cantina. Formaggio dalla personalità decisa. Una volta che si assaggia questo formaggio non lo si dimentica più! Gusto pieno, il 'Testun' è rivestito con le uve pigiate utilizzate per fare il vino Barolo - i sapori del formaggio e dell'uva si mescolano insieme per creare un sapore che è cremoso, dolce, vinoso, burrosa e tagliente tutto in in una sola volta (testun liberamente si traduce in 'testa dura', in riferimento alla consistenza del formaggio). Una volta che si taglia attraverso il rivestimento del pigiato, la consistenza è friabile e si scioglie in bocca.

Asiago Pressato DOP Nero

Asiago Pressato DOP Nero

La forma presenta il classico scalzo convesso. La crosta è sottile ed elastica di colore nero, la pasta è di colore bianco o paglierino, è presente la classica occhiatura irregolare e leggermente strappata. Il sapore è dolce e tendenzialmente piccante, buone le note di latte e panna. Prodotto dal Caseificio San Vito (1899) la crosta nera indicat la stagionatura di 40 giorni circa.

Asiago DOP D`Allevo Mezzano Aged 4 Months

Asiago DOP D`Allevo Mezzano Aged 4 Months

Dop Cheese produced with cow`s raw milk and aged at least 4 months.

The rind is smooth and regular, amber in colour. The paste is straw yellow compact and with small to medium eyes.

The taste is sweet and slightly sapid, with hints of honey, butter and flowers.

Asiago DOP D`Allevo Vecchio Aged 8 months

Asiago DOP D`Allevo Vecchio Aged 8 months

A DOP Asiago, produced with raw cow`s milk and matured at least 8 months

The rind is smooth and regular, dark in colour. The paste is straw yellow campact and with small to medium eyes.

The taste is sweet and slightly salty, sometimes a little bit hat, with aromas of honey and cooked butter

Asiago DOP Stravecchio Malga Verde Aged at least 15 Months

Asiago DOP Stravecchio Malga Verde Aged at least 15 Months

Rare Cheese, produced only in summer in mountain dairies with raw semi-skimmed milk from cows of Bruna and Frisona race.

The rind is smooth an regular. light brown in colour, the paste is straw yellow with a hard grainy texture and small to medium eyes.

First the taste is sweet and gradually growing more pungent, shows hints of toasted hazelnuts, ripoe fruit and aromas of freshly mown hay

Maturing at least 19 Months.

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